In the pursuit of becoming a woman after God's heart, I have come to many a hard obstical, but many moments of peaceful smooth sailing. Many long dry seasons, then for the full bloom of His blessing. Many valleys that seem to go lower everytime, and then the mountain top, that only seems to get higher and higher.
In all of this, I have learned and continue to learn that nothing good comes easy, not without persistant hard work. But not just hard work, it takes falling on your face to see how fast you get back up and keep going. The Word says in Proverbs 24:16 "A righteous man may fall seven times, yet he will rise again"
I was so blessed to read what I believe to be truly inspired words by a man named Alan Redpath in his book "The Making of a Man of God; Studies in the Life of David". (This is the book that I am using, along with the Bible, to teach a girls bible study.) It says this:
"God's choice of a man of God is conditioned upon heart response, not head response. I do not ask you if your heart is perfect, or if it ever goes astray-God knows how prone we are to wandering and sin. But I ask you to pointedly, praying that the Spirit may really challenge you with the questions: Is your heart resting upon Jesus Christ? Do you have a believing heart? Does it meditate upon God's Word and desire and seek after holiness? Is it a grateful and humble heart, ever thankful to Him? Is it eternally fixed upon God, or is it a fickle heart, flirting with the things of the world? comfort in the Scriptures? Does your heart
That the Spirit may literally pull from under your feet any false basis of assurance in your salvation is my prayer for you. May He never let you rest until you have an assurance based upon what your heart has received of the grace and character of Jesus Christ, not simply what your heart believes. One who believes with his head only, without evidencing grace, love gentleness, humility, and other tokens of the indwelling of Christ, has no right to be say he is a Christian. God's choice is contrary to all human reason (1 Cor. 1:27-29), and is based upon the response of a man's heart."
This has convicted my heart so much. He is SO faithful to meet us right where we are at, and to tell us JUST what we need to hear!
I hope you were blessed by that, I know I was!
Reminds me too of Psalm 15. How I wish I could honestly say I live accordingly.